Thursday, August 18, 2005

This is an original short, short story. What do you think?


He rolls over, putting one arm over her shoulder as he pushes his other under the pillow. Worming his body toward her, he slides his head from his pillow to hers until his lips press against the pocket of skin just behind her jawbone, where her neck and the back of her ear meet. A mild sigh escapes his lips, and the air passes over her sensitive skin, causing the hairs there to prickle. He draws closer, wrapping his arm around her, embracing her small frame into his broad shoulders. He pulls his hips toward hers, aligning their bodies.

“What are you doing?” She speaks, breaking the silence.

“I thought you were asleep.” He squeezes her tightly.

“How can I with that prod of yours poking me in the back.”

“I’m just tryin’ to show some love.”

“I know what you’re tryin’ to do.” She squirms, breaking his grip.

“Come on, now...” He’s interrupted as their tabby leaps onto the bed and pounces on his shoulder, purring violently and kneading biscuits into his arm. He shrugs the cat from his shoulder and rolls onto his back. The tenacious feline burrows under his chin, rubbing their faces together. “Go away, kitty.” He says, tossing the cat to the floor.

“Hey,” she begins. “Don’t do that. Be nice.”

“Well,” he raises himself up and rests against the headboard. “It’s annoying when the cat’s all over me. He only does it when he’s beggin’ for food. I hate that.”

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Here is what I think. I like it, i really do. The irony makes me happy. In my opinion, it would read better as a poem, but that is my opinion. The only question I have is what is the title? Simile Attitude?