Tuesday, August 23, 2005

Another short, short story

All of my stories have the same problem exhibited here. The problem is point of view. I am trying to give my works a more intimate perspective. That's why nothing more substantial has been presented. Hopefully, I will find the ambition to revise my longer stories to resolve this issue. Until then:

He was running the vacuum cleaner when the telephone rang. He wasn’t really cleaning as much as he was chasing the cat around. He hated cats. He especially despised looking after his neighbor’s cat. His neighbor was out of town at a medical convention. She was a gastrointestinal surgeon, and apparently there had been some breakthrough in sphinteroplasty procedure. She was expected home today, and he had fallen behind in his duties. He didn’t feel the paltry sum he would receive was worth too much devotion. As he chased the cat under bed, the answering machine picked up. He remained oblivious to anything but the tabby now diving into the closet.
Sweat dripped into his eye, so he shut off the vacuum. Wiping his brow with his forearm, he collapsed onto the bed, bouncing slightly. He turned his head to check the time on the clock by the French doors that led into the back yard. He then realized he would not finish in time. In fact, he was already late. There, outside the window, was his neighbor. One hand held her cell phone, and the other covered her mouth. He jumped off the bed and ran to open the door.

“Sorry,” he mouthed as he turned the knob.

“You..., you’re...”

“Naked. I know. You must think I’m crazy.”

“Well,” she began; “I can see your nuts.”

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