Sunday, August 21, 2005


The movie version of this classic comic has just been released on DVD. The film is based on three graphic novels written and illustrated by the incredible Frank Miller. As co-director, Miller took great pains to insure that the graphic images were accurately translated to the big screen. The above photos show the stunning results. If you haven't seen it, you gotta check it out. If you are a fan of the comic, you should be ashamed if you have not seen it already. The film, as well the graphic novels, are a gripping blend of pulp and noir unparalleled in cinema and print.


Anonymous said...

i have seen the movie. film work is very impressive. but maybe i should have paid closer attention to the novels. i'm a simple man. jason.

Cernunnos said...

Yeah, Sin City rocks. I've started reading the graphic novels after I saw the film. I appreciate the quality of the movie more because of the books.