Thursday, October 20, 2005


I had the night off tonight, and the Reverend Horton Heat was in town. I was having a great time, enjoying the show, and then, WHAM!!! I got smacked. A person's forehead slammed into my right orbital. I'm lucky it did not split me open. I've been in countless pits, but this was unexpected. The following photo was taken about an hour after, and being the sports medicine major that I was, I had ice on it the entire time. It's still pretty swollen. Typed representations of laughter and general demeaning comments are welcomed.

Three Days Later


Unknown said...

yeah! Thats for the mario porn!

Unknown said...

I was hoping for an updated pic/how about that granny Kinerko blasted?

@modernmentat said...

Arnica Power!!!

Unknown said...

Thanks for the update!