Thursday, July 07, 2011

Even as I left Florida...

I moved from Jacksonville ten years ago this week. It was only four formative years, but I had a lifetime of experiences. Rarely a day goes by that I don't think of someone I knew or something that happened there. Granted, I lived in Tallacrappy a while before moving to Atlanta, but I think of those months as sort of a decompression chamber.


Unknown said...

was it the geography, or the age? I feel like it was age related, because I feel the same way, except Columbia, SC was my decompression chamber.

@modernmentat said...

I wouldn't say it was age related. It was change related. I realized early on at Habana that I was not going to reach my goals in Jacksonville. I did not like where any of us were headed, and I had to do something about it. I think the song lyrics sum it up nicely.