Friday, October 21, 2011

Postcards From The Future: Chuck Palahniuk

"Postcards From The Future" is a documentary about Chuck Palahniuk.  I've known about it for years, and I've owned it for two.  But I'd never watched it.  I think it's because I simply wasn't ready to.  After watching it tonight, I've had my batteries recharged; much like I did after the event I attended in June '08 (search blog for the recap).

The clip below has finally driven home the reason I've had such a hard time with my writing. The overt approach really has no meaning after Columbine and 9/11. I need to fabricate subtlety.

The next clip resembles a personal philosophy, but it says it SO much better.  I've been struggling with how best to deal with my feelings regarding our financial system, tea partiers, occupiers, etc.  I had decided to make it a non-issue.  Take the power away from the issue by living outside of it.  We have to exist within it, but we don't have to acknowledge or patronize it.  Construct a different idea.  Live it.

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