Sunday, February 27, 2011



Just finished this King novel. Read it in under a week, in fact. Not much of an accomplishment in prior years, but with a wife who works nights and two children, I'd say its pdq.

Four great page burning stories that do what Mr. King does best: The pages melt away, and you are immersed in his world. I don't know how he does it. I try to pay attention to his technique, but instead I get lost in the story. Which is why I remain a "Constant Reader."

He did use some of his old tricks in these stories. No one pissed themselves, but two characters clenched their fists painfully tight. None to the point of bleeding, like in many of his stories. And shockingly, there was only one "Ayuh," though three of the tales were set in Maine.

Despite twenty years of reading his material, I have many books left to consume. No doubt, Absent Reader, I will get to them all.


Unknown said...

help me out... pdq? pretty darn quewl?

@modernmentat said...

Pretty damn quick