Thursday, January 12, 2006

FRIENDS...How Many Of Us Have Them?

This title is a little shout out to the rap pioneers, Whodini. They are probably more popular now, but they were my favorite group when I was in the 4th grade. I distinctly remember listening to them while playing with Hot Wheels. Anyway, enough digression. My main point is to bring up the value of a true friend. Do you know of a person that you speak to rarely; a person you have confided in at one point or another; and upon seeing them again, it's like you are picking up a conversation you began months or years before? Is there a person you know that is consistently elevating your spirits despite their own tribulations? If you know people like this, news flash, they are your true friends. I've recently lost my Dad, and though there was sincere support from family and others, I found some of the greatest relief from my pals Jeremy and Jason. My longtime hommies; Adam, Mason, Jody, and Jake; were all there for me, but I was honestly taken by the love and support Jeremy and Jason provided. I often communicate through this medium with Jeremy, but I had not actually seen him since the beginning of 2001. The same goes for Jason, but our communication these last few years has been even more limited. Despite all this, these two friends were there for me in this overwhelming time of grief. And they went out of their way to give me the most sincere and personally substantial gift I have ever received from another person:

So, to my friends, I thank you for your support during this ordeal. I can only hope that I can provide the same comfort to you in the future. I love you.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

i took the friendship test and passed just barely. want to know what i got? f+. click.
