Saturday, September 03, 2005


Many people I know have hinted at the role of racism in the response to the Katrina disaster. People in the media have stated it plainly. I believe these conclusions to be mistakes. To me, this is a matter of socioeconomic demographics. The people you primarily see in footage are of African descent, but 78% of the New Orleans population is African-American. In my opinion, more coverage of the devastation in Mississippi would balance this out. The population of Mississippi is primarily Caucasion, so those dealing with shortages there are European-American by a vast majority.

All the people that are stuck; that were unable to evacuate, are all a part of a low income demographic, and their numbers are great. Now, their status explains why these citizens could not evacuate, but why the slow response; why is it taking so long to bus people out? I'm not sure. I would speculate in personal conversation, but not here. All I want to do here is express my opinion against rascism.

The people in Louisiana, Mississippi, and Alabama are suffering primarily due to a lack of proactive planning, and they were put in this situation because of their socioeconomic status. With that said; the wheels are turning. The trucks are rolling in to offer assistance. Everyone I know resides in the Southeastern United States, and we could easily find ourselves and our families in the same situation. There's no excuse for doing nothing. Do your part by just doing something.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Your post was perfectly stated. I had an almost simliar conversation with a friend yesterday regarding the level of poverty in the areas and the demographics that make it up and how that plays into the reality of what is happening. It is a total disappointment to me that people have began to use something as devestating as Katrina as a means to forward their own agendas. Again, well stated post.